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Discover Communication Access
Embrace Access is a community capacity building service, specialising in communication access. We're a powerful pairing of people with communication disability and speech pathologists, providing evidence-based training and best-practice resources to Australian businesses committed to access and inclusion.
Easy Read translations help your organisation to be inclusive of people with communication disability and low English literacy. We proudly co-design Easy Read books with people with disability. Our team of experienced writers and designers can create Easy Read for your strategic documents, web content, social media posts, video scripts, factsheets, surveys and forms.
Communication Access means your organisation is inclusive of people with disability and communication support needs. When it comes to inclusion, removing physical access barriers is just the beginning. We give staff the tools and training to communicate in an accessible way, ensuring the 1 in 7 Australians who live with communication disability are welcome at your organisation.
1 in 7 people experience communication disability at some stage in their lives. Everyone wins when you include people with:​
physical disability including cerebral palsy
low literacy including dyslexia
intellectual disability
dementia and ageing
vision impairment
hearing impairment
CALD backgrounds
autism and neurodivergence.

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